Arts Enrichment at the Boys and Girls Club

Heritage Hall just completed its first Art Camp with the Boys and Girls Club at Commissioner’s Park in Brecon. The kids worked with clay and were introduced to pottery by Joe and Kelly Williams. They had art classes with Sandra Holm where they drew and completed many different projects, and they also worked together to complete a mural in the club’s gym, which was led by Sarah Dunn.

The students spent two days a week for the month of June attending these sessions and, over the course of the month, their interest and enthusiasm grew as they saw their projects completed and recognized their improvement. After once again experiencing how confidence, curiosity, and excitement can originate from an introduction to art and creation, we hope that this will be the first of many Arts Enrichment Programs with the Boys and Girls Club.

“Heritage Hall’s mission is to provide education in and enjoyment of the Arts to the greater Talladega community […].” Working with the Boys and Girls Club enables us to continue to grow and expand our reach, fulfill our purpose, and introduce students across the community to the possibility that comes with creation, as well as to their own capabilities.
Please look through the pictures and see what great work the kids did this summer!